(does wiggly back in time hand movements)
Planting stuff in the greenhouse bed, we have 5 small rows of lettuce, 1 row parsnip, 1 row carrot, 1 row cauli, 1 row cabbage and 1 row of perpetual spinach.
Starting some cucumbers off
Outside bed prepared for potatoes, I bought pre-chitted potatoes from Marshalls but next time I'll just chit them myself. They weren't very chitted, and had to be kept on a windowsill in the house for a couple of weeks anyway.
Three long rows of planted Charlotte potatoes, the netting over the top is to dissuade the foxes from digging into the freshly dug earth.
We had 5 (in house) chitted Rooster potatoes, and a leftover Charlotte that we wanted to try growing on old compost bags.
Potatoes had been kept in a sunny but northfacing windowsillin a room with no heating. They sem to have chitted ok.
Empty compost bags, rolled down with about 4 inches of compost in. Holes stabbed in the bottom for drainage. Add in potato with chits facing up, cover with a couple of inches of compost. Place bag in sunny sheltered spot. We've put some netting over, again to dissuade the foxes...just while the soil settles.
Abi supervising
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