Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Delivery :D

The raised beds and topsoil have both arrived

Raised beds, 4 x 1 x 2m beds.

My little girl wondering why I'm stood outside taking photos of bits of wood.

One very large bag of topsoil. Wonderful courier man brought it all the way down the drive for me :) I highly recommend www.dandystopsoil.co.uk, wonderful customer service and great prices. They called me to double check my delivery date, and even rang and gave me an hours notice for delivery this morning. That's always really useful when you have a little one running around.

My little girl...erm...licking windows...lol

The compost aerator is here too, I'll take some photos of that when I give it a go. Which will not be today because it's blumming cold! I also got a free turtle bag from www.wigglywigglers.co.uk, great service as always from those guys.

Just waiting on the wheelbarrow to turn up now :)

Also, it's supposed to snow today!!! Snow, in October!!! Brrrr

Sunday, 26 October 2008


This weekend, we took the Saturday off again. This is mostly my fault...I'm tired, ill and a little bit pregnant it seems :)

I'll have to make sure I wear gloves everytime I'm touching the soil, but other than that I can carry on with my veg plot plans. Just need to make sure I have plenty of tea breaks :)

On the Sunday, we fixed the Greenhouse again! We decided to removed the window frames completely as they were more rotten than we thought and just use the bare panel to polythene over. This way all the panels are the same, and it works. No more dripping on the greenhouse floor :)

We have two compost bins now :) The second one is already a third full but that should compress down quite quickly. I have an aerator coming from www.wigglywigglers.co.uk with the raised beds order so that should speed up the process a bit.

My garlic is going better than I thought!! I'm going to plant it straight out into the raised beds at the weekend I think.

Herbs doing well too

Gratuitous shot of my little girl playing with leaves, just because... She has fab new wellies :)

This coming week we have the top soil, raised beds kit and wheelbarrow being delivered. Saturday we're going to get it all done, my sister and her partner will be coming to give us a hand :)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Busy Busy Day

It was supposed to have been a productive weekend, but we took yesterday off to catch up on some sleep after seeing Bill Bailey in London.

So today, has been extra productive

Hubby cutting up Polythene

After taking all the glass out. We kept the panes in at the bottom as they're in pretty good nick.

My attempts at raking up leaves. Filled 3 bin bags to make leaf mould over the next two years, half hour after I finished it looked like I'd never even touched it..so the rest will be going in the compost next week. The trees the leaves are coming from look like they have a couple of weeks more of falling to do.

Polythene starting to go up. The job was a lot more difficult in practise than our initial idea, but was worth it I think. Lots of nails, silly corners, running out of staples and having to use our 'study' stapler to finish off...it was fun ;)

Sellotape works really well as a patch when you accidentally rip a big tear into a pane too ;)

I started to plant some seedlings into bigger modules while Hubby finished off. Coriander, Parsley and Chives.

Abigail was loving being a big ball of chaos outside :)

And finally....Look at my Garlic!! Shoots from 7 of the bulbs already, woot!

So all done for now, next weekend we need to restaple some of the edges and probably reinforce a couple of the panes of polythene.

I need to spend some times this week sorting out the greenhouse interior. Just to get some workeable space in there. I'm possibly going to convert one side into a sheltered raised bed. Either way I need to remove the existing gravel from in there, Abi keeps trying to eat it :(

Time for a hot bath and a bit of World of Warcraft methinks :)

Monday, 13 October 2008

Garlic :D

Been a busy weekend :)

We measured out the garden and have decided on four raised beds, leaving one spot for either another bed or for a green cone composter. Also digging out one existing bed, and creating a smaller bed round the side of the greenhouse for peas and stuff.

I've ordered the polythene to 'reglaze' the greenhouse, and some other sundries (plant labels, spare gloves (for the OH ;) ), kneeler cushion, watering can etc. All cheap as chips from www.thegardensuperstore.co.uk.

We've also ordered a second 330 litre compost bin through www.recyclenow.com, using the local authority discount.

OH is picking up the wheelbarrow for me this week from Argos.

We've compared a lot of raised bed prices and types, and have decided to order from www.wigglywigglers.co.uk. (By the end of this month hopefully)

Also found a decent supplier for organic top soil http://www.dandystopsoil.co.uk/ we'll be ordering a tonne of that for the end of the month I think.

I've also planted out some garlic, just using some cloves that were going to waste in the house. (Leftover from the wedding reception in August). So fingers crossed that will take :)

Next weekend, we'll be removing the broken glass from the greenhouse, polythening and other pottering type things :)

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Ok, not in the garden...yet...but we have successful chilli growing!

Habanero chilli plant courtesy of our friend Em, we have 3 more chillies waiting to ripen and plenty of flowers that will hopefully fruit.

The picked chilli ended up as enchiladas. Nom.

And so it begins

This is how the existing garden, well part of it, looks right now.

Tasks for this weekend are to get some seed trays, tools, and price up polythene for the greenhouse.

We're going to take out the glass, it's unsafe and isn't stable at all, and replace it with polythene sheeting. The plan is to cut out 'panes' of polythene and staple them into place. Back up plan is to cover the whole walls and roof with polythene and tack it into place. I hope the panes idea works, just from an aesthetic point of view.

I'm going to start some garlic off too, just in some seed trays with clingfilm.