Things are growing blumming everywhere. The garden is just exploding with life now, it's amazing!
This weekends photos
The red onion bed
A red onion, and two spring onions that we're trying to get to seed. The red onion has flower heads forming so we're hopeful :)
A teeny tiny comfrey plant. It was donated to us and I thought it was going to die off, but it's resurrecting itself :)
A giant squash plant - seed donated by Jo and we're having a little comp on who gets the biggest plant ;)
Another yellow radish ready to be picked
Horseradish plant :) This is the little pot, we have a big pot too but that's only just showing signs of coming through.
Look Strawberries!!
There they are ;)
The loganberry is flowering
The cherry tree fruiting away, om nom nom
The lavender nearly in bloom
Earthing up the potatoes for the last time. We can't fit any more soil in! hehe
Same for the potato bags, all filled to the brim now :)
Worm of the week! :)
Dwarf beans planted out. They're sharing space with some overflow red onions. We have another 4 dwarf beans in pots on the patio too.
Aubergines! :) and some PSB getting ready to pot on
Blueberries and Wisteria
Exploding greenhouse
My Shirley Tomatoes. We need to pinch off the side shoots this week.
Spinach Beet. I think I'm going to harvest and quick freeze all these. We transplanted some thinnings into this tub and they've exploded, but we have a row in the greenhouse bed and 3 rows in a raised bed as well.
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