This blog has been as neglected as my garden, time to update both a little I think ;)
Mini photo update for now. We have berries on our sloe bushes, I'm so pleased!
There are also some really weird shaped berries on them. I'm hoping we're growing some kind of mutant giant sloe berry producing bush.
Bonus pics of the wild strawberries that have taken over half of one of the beds in the front garden. We're leaving them as they are as wild strawberries are absolutely delicious :)
Non garden wise, well most of my blogging goes on over on now. I do far more cooking than I do gardening, that's probably half my problem! hehe
Although I've lost nearly 5 stone with slimming world, I'm riding my bicycle 4 times a week, swimming 3 times a week and have been painkiller free for just over 10 weeks now. Steve has a new job which is keeping him busier, but happier and we finally have enough money to cover the essentials and have a bit of spare which is a novelty. Abi has nearly finished her first year of school, Toby turns 3 in 2 weeks and will be starting playgroup in September.We sadly lost one of our cats a couple of months ago, Suzy passed on after 18 years of being a crazy little furbag. Her big brother Noot is lonely without her, but at 19yrs old he's a bit too old and set in his ways to cope with a new companion so we're just giving him extra attention.
That's it from me for now, hopefully I'll get round to updating with something else before it's time to harvest those sloes.
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