I'm on a healthy eating kick at the moment and my daughter loves to copy what I do, so I've been making most of her lunch in bento-style too. Her being obsessed with My Neighbour Totoro also helped fuel the fascination as Mai has a bento lunch in the film.
I don't like fish, or sushi, or seaweed..but I like the format, so I've just been playing with the kinds of food we like. It's also a really useful way to use up leftovers, and to persuade little 3 year old girls to eat food they'd normally ignore ;)
Here are some of my recent lunches.
And one especially for Abi - she really likes fishfingers. This was a treat lunch for being such a good girl that morning.
Oooh they look fab and very healthy. I might have to try that with Sofia as she's just been given her very own bento lunchbox (with matching cutlery set) by my Japanese friend.