Sunday, 24 March 2013

Shinies, Squirrels and Students.

Yes, I know. I'm flighty and changeable, get obsessed quickly with things and discard most when the next shiny thing grabs my attention.


I'm studying with the Open University now, on the pathway to a BA Hons Open. So I have a shiny new blog over at with lots of studenty ramblings and deadline panics in. Plus, I'm documenting any useful software, stationery and advice I pick up along the way :)

I'll still blog here as and when something fits, and I'm hoping to kick the garden and veg patch back in to touch when it stops bloody snowing (!) so I'll do a photo update of the neglected chaos out there soon :)

Monday, 11 March 2013

All work and no coffee make Binty a...

something something.

I have a lovely new gadget! :)

My mother's day present to help keep me sane ;)

I needed some storage for the T-Discs so Steve did his wonderhubby thing and repurposed this old CD storage for me.


He's not completely happy with it, but it will do for now until it irritates him so much that he'll build a proper one for me ;)