Friday, 27 August 2010

Purpley Prettiness

After an unsuccessful attempt at dying polyester in my washing machine, I was on the lookout for a decent sized dye bath.

I put out a request for old large pans or stock pots on freecycle and crossed my fingers. Three timewasters later (I have no idea what drives people to offer items then ignore all contact) I received an offer from a lovely lady 10 minutes away. She said she had a very large pan that I was welcome to. Steve went off to go collect it and whilst she was sorting it out for me she found another couple of pans she thought I could use.

How fab are these?? I've got a batch cooking session planned tomorrow for the largest pan :)

So, take one crimson pink hooded cloak.

and some bras that never get worn due to their colour.

Some lovely violet iDye

Weigh your fabric to make sure it's not over 3lbs.

Open pack of dye and check the contents.

Add enough water to the pan to allow the fabric to move freely.

Take out your now wet fabric, put the heat on medium-high and chuck your colour packet in.

Stir until it's dissolved thoroughly.

Add the second packet of intensifier.

Due to the fabric mix of the bras, I chucked in a cup of salt.

Add fabric and stir thoroughly.

Heat fabric up till the water is at a steady simmer and maintain that heat for an hour whilst stirring regularly.

Drain water off and leave the fabric to cool.

Pop in the washing machine and run through a wash with some mild detergent.

Ta Da

I really love this dye, very simple to use with very little mess!

a quickr pickr post

Monday, 9 August 2010

Mini Bint's Kitchen

Just a quick post to show the restored play kitchen we created for Abi's 3rd birthday.

We picked up the original kitchen from freecycle. It was advertised as an old handmade wooden kitchen created by a grandfather for his now grown grandson. We spent just over £10 on paints and materials and it took about 4 evenings to get the work completed, mostly to allow for drying times and re-applications of coats.

Here's the flickr slideshow and photostream showing the work we did, and what Abi thought of the end result :)