This weekend was the first time in about 3 months that we were able to spend any decent length of time in the veg patch. The harsh weather for the past month or so has really taken it's toll on the greenhouse, but we're not going to be able to get that fixed up for a fortnight-ish. In the meantime, we've raked up the leaves, cleared the raised beds, planted out garlic, sorted out the herb bed and started off some onion seed/sets.
Here's the photo dump from today;
Toby keeping a close eye on Daddy

My poor tattered little greenhouse.

Abi helping clear leaves.

View of the back bed, and the ton of soggy leaves everywhere.

Side bed - this is where we'll be container growing this year.

A closer view of my tatty greenhouse :(

Inside is not pretty

The remnants of the chilli bed.

Garlic growing from last years cloves :) They must have escaped being harvested...and nommed.

Abi helping clear leaves from the lavender bush. The blackberry runner we planted seems to be still going too :)

Digging up the secret potatoes. They'd died off ages ago so we hadn't held out much hope.

We were pleasantly surprised :)

The old cabbage bed being cleared for garlic.

The garlic cloves being dug up from their old bed and moved.

Slide break.

The new garlic bed.

Soggy leaves going into the leaf bin.

Abi helping :)

Just keep raking raking raking...

Toby wondering why I'm not raking

I explain about the blog

He likes this

Planting random onion bits. A bit of a trial as to what grows first...or at all...

A ladybird house discoverd under the hops. We were going to remove all the dead hopvines, but have left them in situ until we put some ladybird houses up and can relocate them.

Abi playing 'let's poke Mum with a big stick'

This is apparently lots of fun

As is the peppermint.

The hop vines, we chopped them about 6 inches from the base.

The random onion trial on the kitchen windowsill. The first of many things started off on there this year

The oregano plant still surviving...just.

A tiny sprig of rosemary still going.

A bud on my chive plant already?

My sage not looking very healthy, will need some TLC this year

My very healthy olive plant,really glad this did ok with the snow.

Bay Tree still about the same, I think this might need a bigger pot to get it going.

A close up of the secret potatoes

They went very nicely with some butchers faggots, onion gravy and some peas. Nom!

So that's the catch up, busy weeks ahead of us now. New raised beds to go in, the greenhouse to fix up again and a whole lot of growing to do :)