Saturday, 20 June 2009


Well after a few weeks of neglect and only basic garden maintenance due to my going into early labour (no baby yet, he's due on Friday ;) ) we had our first proper crop today.

Our potato plants flowered two weeks ago, so we dug up a plant out of curiosity today. Surprisingly, it had potatoes on the end of it :o


Also our strawberries are ripening nicely. Om Nom Nom


Our whitecurrants are starting to ripen, a lot of them are very red for whitecurrants though hehe


Blueberries have some fruit setting on them, not bad for first year bushes.


The red onion that we left to seed has started to flower, so looking good for seeds from those. According to the interwebs, as soon as the flower head starts to dry out we should cut them off and leave them to hang to get the seed out. Fingers crossed.


Carrots are coming along too, we picked a handful for dinner tomorrow


Also in the last few weeks we've

Deflowered *snigger* the yukka plant, it looked and smelled lovely but it was setting off Steve's allergies so had to go.


Noot the cat is careful watching the pot of catnip to let me know when it's ready to start harvesting.


Devised a water containment system for my potted cucumbers, they just weren't retaining water in the soil so now have mushroom punnets under the pot :)

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Got lots of leafy growth on the horseradish pots


Lots of new growth on my olive and bay trees, and the dwarf runner beans are flowering :)

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and a whole bed of greenery that needs to be harvested soon.


Gratuitous Abigail shot


More gardening tomorrow if we can, :)